Zearing Health Care Center

404 East Garfield

Zearing, IA 50278

(641) 487-7631

(641) 487-7633 fax


Bambi Cerka

Director of Admissions



Zearing Health Care Center

404 East Garfield

Zearing, IA 50278

(641) 487-7631

(641) 487-7633 fax


Bambi Cerka

Director of Admissions



Physical Therapy

Physical therapy at Zearing Health Care Center provides services to restore function, improve mobility, relieve and reduce pain, and return patients to their prior level of function with the ultimate goal of returning home when it is safely possible.

Our advanced physical therapy programs involve
  • Exercises to improve muscle strength
  • Balance activities to reduce the risk of falls
  • Ambulation training to regain the ability to walk again
  • Wound healing
  • Home assessments to make sure the home is safe for the Resident
  • Provide a home exercise program to continue, if discharged